Mile High Hot Yoga, LLC 

- Yoga 

in Challis, ID

Description: We offer two opposing types of yoga classes. The Original Hot Yoga, 26 & 2 ( also known as Bikram) and a Yin 96 class. Both classes are performed in a heated environment. If you haven't ever tried yoga in the heat, you should give it a try.
Additional Info: Space is limited. Please schedule your class here or call 208 993 9754.
Logo: Mile High Hot Yoga, LLC
Phone: 2089939754
Address: 27 Rambling Lane

Challis ID 83226
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Stephanie Crist
Stephanie Crist

I went to my first Bikram yoga class about 8 years ago and was completely hooked. My yoga journey is different from most. I had never tried yoga previously to my first Bikram class. I discovered that this form of exercise helped immensely with some spinal and nerve issues I had been suffering from for quite some time. I never considered teacher training until moving to remote Idaho. I wanted to be able to share this form of exercise with others so they could experience the benefits themselves. I am very excited to bring this to our small community. Certifications include: Yin96 and Original Hot Yoga 26&2 (Bikram)