When you’re ready to make a difference in how you manage online booking for business, even if it is easy, it still takes time to learn something new. 

Let’s start by saying congrats! You signed up for a Schedulicity account!

But of course, you can’t just stop there.

You only have a taste of how your business can grow with online scheduling software. And the list of awesome Schedulicity features is endless!

That’s why we created an onboarding checklist, so you can learn how to set up your Schedulicity business account in five easy steps.

(We suggest logging into your Schedulicity account to follow along!)

In this article:

  1. Create your business listing
  2. Add a service or class
  3. Set up your personal schedule
  4. Add your current client list
  5. Create a test appointment or add a student to a class

How to (Easily!) Set Up Your Schedulicity Account in 5 Steps

1. Create Your Schedulicity Business Listing 

This step will take about 5 minutes.

Your Business Listing is what everyone will see when they enter into the Schedulicity Marketplace

Treat your Business Listing as your first impression to potential clients. This is the first view new clients will get.

Add your profile picture, business name, and address.

Choose your best work, logo, or specialty as your profile picture.

Make it about the service and work you offer to set the right client expectations.

Business Listing Checklist

  • Upload a business logo/image
  • Edit your business address
  • Edit your “About” and “Additional Info” to give clients more info about you and your business
  • Connect Instagram to display your work

Bonus Business Listing Tips:

  • For extra credibility and an added SEO boost, add all your contact information, websites, and social media profiles. Clients can trust your service if you have all the required online presence.
  • Complete your description with more than a few sentences. This is where you can showcase your personality. Detailed, helpful information in your Business Listing is key to winning a new client!
  • When adding photos or your logo to your listing, remember, it’s hip to be square — in this case, a perfectly square photo that’s at least 200×200 pixels.

2. Add a Service or Class

2 minutes (unless you add more than one!).

Whether you’re brand new and need to add additional services or classes, we make it easy for you to add to your menu! 

Add as many services or classes as you need.

For services, choose how long a service appointment will last; clean up time can also be included.

The service and class names can be common industry terms – with an additional special name to grab clients’ attention.

It’s important to use common terms, so that your services can be found in our Search Portal. 

Remember to complete the description, which can answer common questions about what you offer.

What does the service include?

What do we do in class?

Make sure that your description manages expectations with a clear explanation. 

How to Add a Service or Class

  1. Navigate to Settings
  2. Choose the Services or Classes tile (the difference is explained below)
  3. Select the “Add New” at the top right of the page

Adding Services (One-on-one appointments that require clients to book an appointment)

  • Add the name, description, duration, price (optional).
  • Select what applies to you in the following:
    • Outcall: a service where you travel to the client
    • Require a credit card: put a credit card on file to hold the appointment for extra assurance.
    • Color: to organize your appointments in your Schedulicity calendar.  

Adding Classes (Sessions for more than one student or client)

  • Enter a name for the class and description.
  • Select what applies to you in the following:
    • Clients can register online
    • Require a Credit Card: Put a credit card on file to hold the class slot for extra assurance
    • Color: Organize your appointments in your Schedulicity calendar.
  • Next, specify details about when you host these sessions (For instance: how often they occur, the day/time, and how long you want the class to run.)
  • You’ll need to pick a provider and the number of slots and can enter a price and location if you like.
  • Hit “Save” or “Save and Add Another” to add more classes.

Once you create your new service or class, don’t forget to associate it to the provider or providers that offer that particular service!  

3. Add Your Personal Schedule

30 seconds.

In this step, you’ll update your personal work schedule or any other providers’/instructors’ work schedules at your business as well. You’ll want to display when you’re available for appointments or classes – or in other words, your “bookable” hours that will appear to your clients when they’re looking to book with you.

You can add vacation time or any days off you need in the “Planned Days Off” section and your clients will know from day to day when they can book your services. If you’re adding a class, you’ll be able to show when the class is available, control how many people can sign up, and add a waitlist and a pre-acknowledge waiver if you want.

If you have multiple employees, you can keep their personal schedules organized here, all in one place. Know when they’re available to work so you don’t miss a beat!

Also, if you’re only needing to mark time off for a lunch break or for just a few hours on a specific day, you can add a block of personal time on the calendar directly.

How to Update Personal Schedules

  • Navigate to Settings
  • Select the Providers/Instructors tile
  • If you don’t have any Providers/Instructors, you’ll need to add them now, otherwise, click your own name.
  • Once you’ve added a Provider/Instructor or clicked on your name, you can select the “edit” button on the work schedule tile and update it as you please! You can even add vacation time in the “Day’s Off” section too.
  • Don’t forget to save everything you’ve updated

4. Add Your Current Client List

2 – 5 minutes.

One of the most important steps in this process is getting your clients added.

It saves you tons of time, and you’ll also be able to book your client an appointment or add them to a class more efficiently. 

Better yet, they can book themselves online for free.

If you’re just starting out, there’s no need to worry if you don’t have any clients yet, just add a friend or business partner to see how easy it is when you really do have a client ready to book one of your services or classes.

How to Manually Add Clients

  • Click the three lines in the upper left and navigate to the Clients tab.
  • You’ll see the option to “Add New” near the top right corner of the page.
  • You can enter in their details, tag them if you like, and add client notes. (Not to worry, the client notes are for your eyes only. Clients can’t see them!)
  • You can also add in a new client when they reach out to you and you book your service for them.

Another way to add clients is with a Client Import feature.

If you have a list of all your clients, let’s get it in there!

This is an easy and convenient way to import your client database.

If you’re not sure about getting your client list added by yourself, our Customer Support team can help get this added for you.

How to Import a Client List

  • Format your document in the following columns: First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Email, Phone Number (See below for example)
  • Save your list as a .csv file or a .xls for Microsoft Office
  • Now that your list is good to go, Navigate to the Clients icon
  • Select the “import” button in the upper right hand corner

Get your list organized in the proper format, so everything ends up in the right areas of the profile.

Include all five columns – even if you don’t have that particular info.

For example, if you don’t have the middle names of your clients be sure to still have column B blank. This way your information ends up in the right places.

Double-check your list before importing to make sure all the info is correct, completely filled out, and void of duplicate clients.

This is especially important if you already have clients in your Schedulicity database. Otherwise, you might end up with a messy or duplicated client list.

Bonus Tips:

Once you add your clients, Schedulicity has a feature to help you invite them to book online with you.

Select the “Invite All” button on the top right of the Clients page. A pre-made Schedulicity template will appear and press “invite” to send it.

While your current clients book you, your profile gets a recent booking ticker to convince new clients to do the same!

This gives your Schedulicity Marketplace Listing a great boost.

We also provide email marketing features, so you can directly reach out to them for all types of communication: Birthday, Time to Book, Thank You, and more.

5. Create a test appointment or add a student to a class

Our product accommodates business that have one-to-one appointments (such as haircuts, facials, consultations) as well as group classes and workshops (yoga, pilates, events).

The sets outlined below are specific to which business you run. If have both appointments and classes/workshops, then we recommend completing both!

Test Appointments

30 seconds.

Schedulicity is all about making an appointment simple.

We understand you’re tied up with other bookings during the day and don’t have time to waste.

That’s why we made this the easiest of all. If you’re just starting out and don’t have any appointments yet, just add a test appointment to see how fast and easy it is.

How to add an appointment:

  • Go to your calendar
  • Click on the date and time you’d like on the calendar.
  • The New Appointment screen will pop open and you can either enter in a new client or choose an existing client for the appointment.
  • Next, choose a service.
  • You can also add appointment notes, as well as any Add-ons or special offers that you have going.
  • Select “book it” to create the appointment (It’s that easy!)

Or watch the process here:

Enrolling Clients in Classes/Workshops

2 minutes.

With all of our Class features, we made an easy way to manage your clients and stay organized.

You can enroll a client in a single class session, or add them to multiple sessions if you prefer.

You can even enroll multiple clients all at once and check them in for a class session and require everyone to acknowledge a waiver

(See Policies tile in Settings.)  

Enroll client in single session:

  • Open your class calendar and click on the appropriate session
  • Select the “enroll client” button to the right of the screen
  • Pick the client’s name from the list, or add a new client if you need
  • Specify if you want them to be notified of being registered, and hit “enroll client”

Enroll client to multiple sessions:

  • Open your class calendar and select the “enroll client” button in the upper right hand corner
  • Find the client or add a new client if you need
  • Select all sessions that they want to attend. You’ll notice that you can filter the sessions by date/time, class, or instructor, and can include just 3 months, 6 months, or 12 months of sessions
  • Specify if you want the instructor and client to be notified of the registration and hit “enroll client in (x)”

Enroll multiple clients + Quick Enroll/Check in

  • Head to your class calendar and select the session
  • Select the “+ quick enroll / check in” link within the Session Roster
  • A window will open and allow you to pick the first client that you want to enroll. You’ll then see that client added to your roster
  • Simply click again on the “+ quick enroll / check in” link to add another client! You can do this as many times as you need.

Or watch the process here:

Once you complete these five steps, do a little victory dance, because you’re about to see some awesome changes start to happen.  

Your clients will start to see how easy it is to book with you online!  

You’ll see how much time you get back from managing your booking process – and if you’re excited about that, then you’ll love all the additional features we have to help grow your business too.

BONUS: Schedulicity’s built-in payment processing allows you to charge clients when they book, and with our contactless payment option, Norm, your clients can pay and tip from the privacy of their own phone!