Convenience seems to be the name of the game these days, so there’s no surprise that more and more clients are looking for barbers who do house calls.  

Hey, a cut and a beard trim delivered to your door sounds pretty nice, right? 

Clients will certainly love the convenience of a mobile barber who comes to them, but there are plenty of perks of a mobile barber business for you as well.

As a mobile barber, you have more control of your schedule and, with no lease or rent for a location, you get to keep more of your money.

What’s even better is… There are online scheduling apps out there, like Schedulicity (wink wink!) who give you the tools to work from the road!

So, if you’re considering starting your own mobile barber business, we have you covered.

In this blog, we’ll walk you through the steps to take and we’ll show you how to promote your new business, too!

Step-by-Step Guide to Starting a Mobile Barber Business

1. Write Your Mobile Barber Business Plan

Before starting your mobile barber business, you need a solid game plan

A good mobile barber business plan should outline the steps you plan to take to be successful, including the services you’ll provide, market research for your area, financial goals, plans, and more.

Here’s a checklist to get your business plan started!

✔️Cover Page

Your business plan cover page should be simple and to the point. Be sure to include:

  • Your barber business name
  • Your name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Website

✔️Executive Summary

The executive summary should summarize the rest of your business plan. Let readers know the key areas you intend to cover in the rest of the document.


For the overview section, think about laying out your business structure. Share the steps you plan to take to make your barber business successful.

✔️Market Research

The best barber businesses have a finger on the pulse of other barbers in their area. That means taking the time to research your market

Pretend like you’re a client looking for a mobile barber. How would you find them? What services would you look for?

You can also take the time to research other barber websites in your area to learn what they offer and how much they’re charging. 

✔️Marketing Strategy

List out your marketing plan. Ask yourself…

  • Who is my ideal client?
  • What tactics will you take to get their attention?
  • What marketing channels will you use?

✔️Operations Plan

How do you see your day-to-day business running? What systems will you use and what equipment will you need?

Of course, you can’t forget your online scheduling software! 😉

✔️Financial Plan

A good business plan lays out a solid breakdown of your numbers.

  • What are your financial goals?
  • Where do you see your business five years from now?

Jot down startup costs, estimated expenses, and explain your plan to grow business.

Bonus: Free Barber Business Plan Templates

Payment by text for small businesses

Send the bill straight to your client’s phone with contactless payment. Ditch the card reader, speed through payment, and bump up tips. Available now on Schedulicity Unlimited.

Learn more about contactless payment

2. Buy Supplies & Equipment

Thinking about all the supplies and equipment that goes into starting a mobile barber business may seem daunting in the beginning.

Our advice? Keep it simple and start only with the essentials.

Here’s the shortlist:

  • All-purpose shears
  • Razors
  • Electric clippers
  • Brushes
  • Iron
  • Combs
  • Hair rolls
  • Blowdryer
  • Cape/robe

Pro tip: Don’t miss our Guide to Barber Starter Kits to learn more about the cost of supplies and equipment.

One of the biggest steps to starting a mobile barber business is making sure your business is licensed and insured. 

First up…


Each state will have various insurance requirements for your business, so be sure to check with local agencies to see what you need.

Since each state will require insurance, there are two types to keep in mind:

  • General Liability: General Liability insurance covers claims that may occur during your day-to-day operations, such as bodily injuries.
  • Business Interruption: Business Interruption insurance is there to cover loss of income due to an inability to work because of an unexpected event.

Permits & Licenses

  • Register your business name: The Small Business Association (SBA) will be your source to register your business name. 
  • File for your EIN: Your Employee Identification Number acts as a social security number for your business. You can obtain an EIN through the IRS’s website
  • Secure your business license: Like insurance, each state will have different requirements, so be sure to check your state’s regulations to receive your business license.
  • Get your barber license: If you’re looking to start your own mobile barber business, you may already have a license to work as a barber. But if not, you’ll need it, so be sure you’re licensed in each state you’ll be working.

4. Promote Your Mobile Barber Business

With all your paperwork in place and your business plan laid out, you’re ready to start thinking about how to promote your business. 

While there are a ton of great resources available on marketing strategies — such as Schedulicity’s Social Media Marketing Guide for Barbers — we’ll start with the basics.

Build a Website

In the beginning, you want to work on setting up all the places new clients can potentially find your business. new clients will need a place to find you. 

That’s where a business website comes in!

If clients in your area do a Google search for “mobile barbers” in your area, you want your business to be listed.

Plus, a website is the perfect place to showcase your skills and let clients know what exactly you offer before they book with you.

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Free Guide: How to Build Local SEO for Your Small Business

SEO doesn’t have to be scary. Here’s an easy, stress-free, no-tech explainer!

Show Me How!

Find the Right Online Scheduling App for You

Scheduling apps are a great tool for you and your clients. Clients find new businesses every day on scheduling apps, so you want your business to be visible there, too. 

There are a lot of scheduling apps to choose from — like Schedulicity! — so be sure you do the research to find the one that’s right for you.

To help, check out our breakdown of some of the best booking software out there!

Flex Those Marketing Skills!

With your mobile barber website and a scheduling app in place, you’re ready to really start getting the word out!

Start by focusing on these three areas:

Social Media

Set up Instagram and Facebook accounts specifically for your new business. And be sure to add a Book Button to your Instagram for clients to easily book with you!

Local Advertising

Create your own mobile mobile barber business cards to share around town with other local businesses!

Google and Yelp

Google and Yelp are great ways for potential clients to find you as well, so be sure to create a Yelp page and set up your Google Business Listing.

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Social Media Marketing 101

Deep-dive into trends, tools, and hashtags that will take your brand – and small business – to the next level.

Get the Guide