Recurring appointment scheduling software can be a game changer for small business owners looking to save time and automate income.

With an appointment app like Schedulicity for recurring appointments, you eliminate the pain points of manual scheduling, saving yourself time and money.

In this blog, we’ll look at the perks of recurring appointment scheduling software — and show you how to automate repeat appointments with Schedulicity

5 Benefits of Recurring Appointment Scheduling Software

The more efficient you can make your business, the more time and money you save.

In addition to being more efficient, here are five of the biggest benefits of automating your repeat appointments with a scheduling app.

1. It’s a Time Saver

Recurring appointment scheduling software enables small business owners to save time by automating the booking process.

With just a few clicks, you can set up appointments for recurring periods, eliminating the need for manual entry — which is especially helpful for businesses offering services that require frequent scheduling, such as hair stylists, massage therapists, or beauty pros.

2. The Client Experience Is Better

Another benefit of automating your recurring appointments is an improvement to the overall client experience.

By providing clients with the convenience of scheduling recurring appointments effortlessly, businesses can build stronger relationships and improve client loyalty.

3. There’s More Customization and Flexibility

Booking apps with built-in recurring appointment options, like Schedulicity, give you the flexibility to customize appointment cadences to fit each client’s needs.

Since not every client will need or want the same appointment schedule — every month, three months, or six, for example — you can cater to individual schedules more efficiently. 

4. It Increases Revenue

From a financial standpoint, recurring appointment scheduling software can be a revenue-booster for small business owners.

By automating the scheduling process, business owners can devote more time to revenue-generating activities, such as email marketing or social media marketing — leading to increased revenue. 

Plus, booking recurring appointments also increases your amount of appointments each week, which means more $$$. 😉

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5. You Get Built-In Reports

Recurring appointment scheduling software like Schedulicity also provides you with valuable data-driven insights.

Scheduling reports can help you understand key metrics, such as appointment volume and peak booking times.

By analyzing your booking reports, you can make informed decisions about recurring appointment cadences as well. (I.e. How frequently do clients like to book? What time of the week do they tend to book)

How to Set Up Repeating Appointments with Schedulicity

If you’re wondering “Can I do repeating appointments with appointment apps like Schedulicity?” — don’t worry, we have you covered! 🙂

When it comes to recurring appointments, Schedulicity knows what service-based businesses need in an appointment booking app

With a range of business-building features, Schedulicity’s recurring appointment scheduling software gives you the tools to simplify the process. 

Here’s how it works…

Creating Recurring Appointments with Schedulicity

  1. From the Appointment Calendar, click on the date and time for the recurring appointments to start.
  2. Select a client and service
  3. Click Recurring Appointments, and select for the appointment to recur weekly, monthly, or on specific days.
  4. Set additional parameters as needed (every other week, no end date, etc.)
  5. Lastly, click the Book It button

That’s all there is to it!

And don’t worry, you can always edit or cancel recurring appointments by opening one of them up on your calendar. 👍

More of a visual learner? Check out our quick tutorial on all things Appointments for a walk-through…

Not yet a Schedulicity business?

No matter your industry — hair, beauty, barber, massage — Schedulicity has the tools to help your business grow.

Sign up now for a free trial and learn how simple it is to set up recurring appointments for your clients.