According to INC Magazine, 92% of people that set new year’s goals never achieve them. The difference between most of us and the 8% who do achieve their goals boils down to a combination of passion and commitment.

Here is how I like to think of it: In order to drive to an unknown destination, you have to use a GPS, right? Think of goal setting as a GPS for your life. You have to have a clear direction for where you’re headed, or you’ll never get there.

In order to be successful in your business — whether it be a salon, behind the chair, or any other type of business — you have to set clear goals for yourself.

That’s why I recommend setting goals at the beginning of the year and for the entire year. Here are some steps to get you excited about goal setting:

1. Be Specific

When setting goals, you have to be very clear on what you want to achieve. Whatever it is you want, describe it to a tee. For instance, you don’t just want “a new car.” You want a black 2017 Chevy Cruz or a 2021 Audi Q3. Both of these cars sound fantastic, but what you’ll need to do (and save!) to buy one varies greatly.

Likewise: “I want to buy a house.”

OK! When? Next year? This year? Try instead:

“I want a brick colonial with 3 beds and 2 baths in the West End.”

Get as clear and specific as possible. Be sure to set a timeline as to when you want to achieve the goal, too. “I want to buy my dream home by the end of this year” gives you a much better roadmap than “I want to buy a dream home someday.”

2. Be realistic

Set goals that are attainable. The last thing you want is to wind up disappointed that you didn’t hit your goal. For instance, if you want to save money, start slow. Even if you want to put $100 a week in your savings, it’s possible you can only afford to set aside $25 — at least to start. Be reasonable. You can always do more as you go along.

3. Write them down

Make a goal sheet, and hang it somewhere you can see it. The point of this is to motivate you, so don’t hide it in a drawer somewhere. The best place is in your salon backroom or next to your bathroom mirror. This way, you will see it every single day.

4. Talk about your goals

What we think is what we become. Don’t be shy. Grab a friend or your partner, and share them. And be sure to talk about your goals as if you have already achieved them, e.g. “When I make 100k in sales I am going to…” or “When I buy my new car, I am going to clean it every week.” This is Manifestation 101.

5. Make categories

Here are my top 3 categories for goal setting:

  • Career (e.g. education, increasing revenue by a certain %, getting a promotion, raising prices)
  • Financial (e.g. getting out of debt, saving a certain amount of money each month, starting an IRA account)
  • Personal (e.g. fitness goals, wellness, travel, spending more time on self-care)

6. Consider expanding previous years’ goals

I usually set about three to five goals for each category per year, but I don’t always reinvent the wheel. You probably have some goals you achieved in 2020, that you’d like to push even further in 2021. Let’s say you had a great year in service sales and you hit $110k in revenue. This year, you would want to add 10% to that goal.

7. Break yearly goals down into bite-size wins

Once you set your goals for your year, you’ll want to break them down per week, so they don’t look so daunting.

In order to hit $110k in service sales, you’ll need to earn roughly $2,400 per week (I like to pad these goal numbers slightly to give myself some wiggle room). If you want to pay off $10k in debt in two years, you’ll need to put $416 toward your debt each month for the next 24 months to be debt-free.

You can break them down by day, too. Be specific, and lay it all out very clearly. It’s so much more attainable this way.

8. Check off as you go

Do a quarterly check-in on your goals. (If you worry you’ll forget, set yourself a calendar invite!) See where you are, and check off any goals you have already hit. Make that checkmark in a bright color, so you can see how well you’re doing


Pat yourself on the back when you hit a goal. Be proud of yourself! And allow yourself some grace if you don’t hit every goal on your list. Move the date back a bit if need be, but don’t stop working toward them.

The biggest thing with goal setting is to stay focused. Believe in your soul you will hit them. Then, put the work in, whatever it takes. Know that you are awesome, and you can do anything you put your mind to. Believe, and you shall receive.