Booking Support
Let’s help you book with your favorite business!

Account, Password, and Profile Information:
How do I reach out to a business I’ve booked with?
Schedulicity is the online booking software local businesses use to manage their appointments. If you have questions about your appointment/class/workshop or if you’d like a refund, please contact the business directly.
Each business’ contact info is typically displayed on their Schedulicity booking page, which can be found by searching for their business at You can also look in the confirmation and/or reminder email(s) you received.
If you need a hand finding contact info, please reach out to our Rockstars at We’re happy to help!
How do I create a client account?
If you’re booking an appointment with a Schedulicity business, you need a client profile. The profile is completely free and allows you to book and manage your upcoming schedule.
- Visit, and click “Login” in the upper right corner. (Or head over to your app store and download the Schedulicity client app)
- Enter your email address, and select “Next”.
- Enter your name and phone number.
- Create a password. Your password must be at least 7 characters and have at least 1 letter, 1 number, and 1 symbol (!@#$%^&*).
- Click “Create My Profile”, then verify your email and start booking.
If a business booked appointments for you in the past, you can create your client profile by following the link at the bottom of the confirmation or reminder email to sync your appointments.
To verify the email login for your new account:
- You will want to copy the code sent to your email
- Then go back to the Schedulicity page—to the new tab that opened—and enter the code
- Keep in mind the code expires after 15 minutes, and you’ll want to enter the most recent code you received via email.
How do I reset my password?
- Go to, select “Login” in the upper right corner of the screen, and enter your email address.
- On the next screen, select “Reset your password” underneath the email text box from the Schedulicity sign-in page.
- If you have a phone number in your profile, you’ll see the option to receive a text message to update your password. If you don’t have a phone number, you’ll see the option to receive an email to update your password.
- The system will send you an email or text with a password reset link.
- Follow the link in that email to create a new password. Your password must be at least 7 characters and have at least 1 letter, 1 number, and 1 symbol (!@#$%^&*).
If you’re still having trouble resetting your password, use this checklist:
- If you can’t find the email we sent, look in your Junk or Spam folders.
- If you didn’t receive the text message, try sending yourself an email instead. (You can also reach out to Schedulicity support for a hand.)
- Note: Our booking software doesn’t support Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge. Try using Google Chrome, Safari, or Firefox.
How do I edit my profile information?
- Sign into your profile by navigating to
- Select “Login” in the upper right corner of the screen, and follow the prompts to enter your email address and password.
- Once you’re logged in, select your name in the upper right corner of the screen and select “Profile”.
- Select “Edit Profile” to edit your personal information. Note: Don’t forget to save your changes!
How do I sign up for or make changes to text reminders?
To sign up:
You can opt in to receive text reminders through your client account. Once opted in, you’ll receive texts for appointments and classes booked with Schedulicity businesses who offer this feature.
- Select the navigation menu in the upper left corner and choose “My Preferences”.
- Toggle the text reminder option to “On”.
- Enter your phone number.
- Receive a welcome text from Schedulicity and any appointment reminder texts from local businesses.
- Text HELP to 56368 for help or email Msg&Data rates may apply. Message frequency varies. Here are our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.
To opt out:
- Log into your Schedulicity profile at
- Select the navigation menu (3 striped lines) in the upper left corner and choose “My Preferences”.
- Toggle the text reminder option to “Off”.
You will no longer receive text message reminders from Schedulicity or its businesses. You can also text “STOP” to 56368 to disable text messages.
To opt back in:
- Log into your Schedulicity profile at
- Select the navigation menu (3 striped lines) in the upper left corner and choose “My Preferences”.
- Text “RESUME” to 56368
- Select the “Turn On” option.
- Text HELP to 56368 for help or email Msg&Data rates may apply. Message frequency varies. Here are our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.
How do I view my packages?
- Log into your account at
- Select the navigation menu in the upper left corner of your account, and choose the “My Preferences”.
You’ll see a list of the businesses under “Business Preferences”.
Here, you can find an additional menu to view your active packages. This includes the package name, date of purchase, number of current sessions remaining, current total sessions, and expiration date (if relevant).
How do I see my monthly auto-billing plan?
If you have auto-billing (a monthly membership or charge) with a Schedulicity business, you can view, update, and reactivate the plan in your account.
- Log into your Schedulicity profile at
- Select the navigation menu (3 striped lines) in the upper left corner and choose “My Preferences”.
- Find the business that auto-bills your account, and select “Auto Billing”.
Here, you can view different auto-billing dates and update your card on file. If you’re looking to cancel auto-billing with a business, please reach out to the business directly.
How do I share an appointment to my personal calendar?
- Log into your Schedulicity profile at
- Select Appointments on the bottom menu bar, choose the upcoming appointment and click on the one you want to add.
- Choose “Add to Calendar”
- If you have default calendar sync settings, a new window will appear with the appointment details.
- If you do not have default calendar sync settings, you have the option of choosing your preferred calendar format (Google Calendar, iCal, etc.) If your calendar option is not listed, select “iCal” after adjusting your settings.
How do I remove a business from my favorites?
- Log into your Schedulicity profile at
- Select the navigation menu in the upper left corner and choose “My Preferences”.
- Under My Preferences, select the menu attached to the business you want to remove.
- Select “Remove from List”
How do I delete my account?
To delete your Schedulicity login:
- Head to the icon in the upper right of your account (it will be either your photo or your name)
- Choose “delete account” from the menu and confirm
If you ever want to reactivate your account, give us a shout and we can get it back up and running for you!
My Appointments, Classes, Workshops:
How do I book an appointment, class, or workshop?
Booking an Appointment
- Head to the business’s booking page—either by following a link they shared or by heading to and searching by their business name
- Once on their booking page, click to open the Services tab across the top
- Select your Service (some businesses may allow multiple services to be chosen at once)
- Select your Provider/Instructor (some businesses may have the “Any Available Provider” option, so you can view open times for all Providers).
- After selecting your service(s), click the “Choose Date and Time” button
- Select your date and time slot
- If you aren’t already logged in to your account, you’ll be prompted to enter in your email address and password to continue
- Here the business may have “Extras” such as Packages you can purchase, or you can continue on by pressing the “Continue to Last Step” button
- Review your visit details, add payment info (if applicable), acknowledge waivers and policies (if applicable) and if things are looking good, click the final “Book My Visit” button
From here, you’ll land on your “My Appointments” page to view your upcoming appointments. You’ll also be receiving a confirmation email within 5 minutes or so of booking.
Booking a Class
- Head to the business’s booking page—either by following the link they shared or by heading to and searching for their business name
- Once on their booking page, click to open the Classes tab across the top
- Here you’ll see a list view of all upcoming classes. You can switch to a monthly view by clicking the calendar icon in the upper right below “View”
- Click on the class you’d like to book
- Choose either “Select for Yourself & Others” if you’re booking for a group, or simply choose the “Select For Yourself” option if you’re only booking yourself
- If you aren’t already logged in to your account, you’ll be prompted to enter in your email address and password to continue
- Here the business may have “Extras” such as Packages you can purchase, or you can continue on by pressing the “Continue to Last Step” button
- Review your visit details, add payment info (if applicable), acknowledge waivers and policies (if applicable) and if things are looking good, click the final “Book My Visit” button
From here, you’ll land on your “My Appointments” page to view your upcoming appointments. You’ll also be receiving a confirmation email within 5 minutes or so of booking.
Booking a Workshop
- Head to the business’s booking page—either by following the link they shared or by heading to and searching for their business name
- Once on their booking page, click to open the Workshops/Trainings/Event/Series/Etc. tab across the top
- Find and click on the Workshop you’re looking for
- Here you’ll either be able to select the dates you want, or the business may have things set up so you’re required to attend all sessions of the workshop
- After making your selection, hit the “Next” button
- If you aren’t already logged in to your account, you’ll be prompted to enter in your email address and password to continue
- Here the business may have “Extras” such as Packages you can purchase, or you can continue on by pressing the “Continue to Last Step” button
- Review your visit details,add payment info (if applicable), acknowledge waivers and policies (if applicable) and if things are looking good, click the final “Book My Visit” button
- From here, you’ll land on your “My Appointments” page to view your upcoming appointments. You’ll also be receiving a confirmation email within 5 minutes or so of booking.
From here, you’ll land on your “My Appointments” page to view your upcoming appointments. You’ll also be receiving a confirmation email within 5 minutes or so of booking.
How do I cancel/change an appointment, class, or workshop?
If you made your booking online and wish to cancel or reschedule online, go to and sign in.
- Once you’re signed in, your upcoming appointments or classes will be listed.
- Click on the appointment or class to Cancel or Reschedule.
- You’ll be able to cancel or reschedule the appointment/class as long as you are outside of the business’s cancellation policy.
*If you are unable to cancel online or see a message to contact the business, the business’s cancellation policy may be coming into play. You’ll want to reach out to the business directly if hitting a wall trying to cancel.
Not seeing your appointment or class? If so, your Schedulicity profile might not be linked with the business just yet, which is why those appointments aren’t displaying. Not to worry, there is a super easy fix.
- Log into your Schedulicity profile
- Find a notification email from the business, either a confirmation or reminder email
- Click on the blue “View Bookings” icon at the bottom
- This will let the system know you want to be associated with their business and you’ll see any appointments you have coming up once you click on “My Appointments” in the navigation menu from your account
*Also, if you’ve booked a group booking, you will also have the option to cancel on behalf of your guests or to cancel the entire group’s booking.
How do I view my upcoming appointments?
The easiest option for viewing your upcoming appointments is simply to log into your Schedulicity account.
- Navigate to and select the “Login” button at the top right corner of the screen.
- Enter your email address and then your password to complete the sign in process.
- Once you’re signed in, all of your upcoming appointments should be listed.
If you aren’t seeing them there, your Schedulicity profile might not be linked with the business just yet, which is why those appointments aren’t displaying. Not to worry, there is a super easy fix:
- First, be sure you’re logged into your Schedulicity profile
- Then find a notification email from the business, either a confirmation or reminder email
- Click on the “My Appointments” button at the bottom of the email
This will let the system know you want to be associated with their business and you’ll see any appointments you have coming up once you click on “My Appointments” in the navigation menu from your account.
*If these steps still aren’t quite doing the trick, you can reach out to Schedulicity’s support team by sending an email to to get things going.
How do I view my booking history?
Head over to and log in to your account.
- Once logged in, select the navigation menu in the upper left corner of the screen.
- Choose the “my preferences” option.
- A list of the businesses you have scheduled with will display under the “Your Favorites” heading.
- Here you’ll see an additional options menu with the ability to view your appointment history. You can also print your history if you need to from here!
How am I notified if my waitlist request for a class or service has been approved?
Once your waitlist request has been approved and the business has added you to a class opening or booked your appointment, you’ll receive a notification directly from Schedulicity to your email. You can also log into your account and view this under your Upcoming Appointments!
Refunds and Payment:
I need a refund. Who do I contact?
Schedulicity is the online booking software local businesses use to manage their appointments. We don’t have direct access to the payment side of their account. To receive a refund, you need to continue working with the business directly. If you need a hand finding contact info, please reach out to our Rockstars at We’re happy to help!
How do I add, update, or delete my payment method with a business?
Add Payment Information on File:
- Log into your Schedulicity profile at
- Select the navigation menu (3 striped lines) in the upper left corner, and choose “My Preferences”.
- Find the business you wish to add your payment information to, and select the “+ Add a Card” button.
- Fill in your info, and click “Save”.
Update or Remove Payment Information:
Please note that you can remove your payment information from a business only if you have no upcoming appointments or auto-billing cycles in place.
- Log into your Schedulicity profile at
- Select the navigation menu (3 striped lines) in the upper left corner, and choose “My Preferences”.
- Find the business you wish to remove or edit your payment information from, and select “Card is on file (edit)”.
- Pick edit or remove, make your changes, and click “Save”.
How do I use a gift card or Groupon?
Schedulicity does not offer options to use a gift card or Groupon as a form of payment while booking. If the business you’re booking with requires a prepayment or credit card on file prior to your appointment, please contact the business directly about how to handle these other payment options.
If you need a hand finding their contact information reach out at