Susan Kane has been in practice since 1984. She specializes in the treatment of pain syndromes, sports injuries, women's health and infertility, stress reduction, wellness, and cosmetic acupuncture for facial rejuvenation. When your body is functioning at its best you can live your best life. Taking care of your body is of the utmost importance: nutritious food, good sleep, moderate exercise, mental stimulation and peaceful relationships. In our busy and often stressful world, your body and mind can get out of balance and that is when you just don’t feel well. Acupuncture brings the body back into balance. Through the gentle stimulation of acupuncture points (sites of increased bioelectrical potential) metabolism is restored and physical functions work again at their best. Digestion, the nervous system, emotions and mood, and restful sleep are restored. You feel energized and healthy. To read how acupuncture has worked for Susan’s patients, go to