Alysha’s Hands of Healing 

- Massage 

in Bremerton, WA

Description: Upon arrival: *client Will need to sign Waiver and liability release forms and fill out intake form. * consultation with therapist before treatment to properly address issues/concerns
Additional Info: No show / cancelation policies: *Cancelations should be done at least 24hours notice. *No-shows will decrease opportunity for future rebooking * Use schedulicity link or call/text 360-440-6547 to cancel or reschedule. * deposit fee for services no refund
Logo: Alysha’s Hands of Healing
Phone: 3604406547
Address: 1310 Bertha Ave Bremerton

Bremerton WA 98312
Show Map
Business Hours: Monday- 11 am- 7 pm Tuesday-  11am- 7 pm Wednesday- closed Thursday- Closed Friday- 11 am- 7 pm Saturdays- 12- 6 Sundays- 12-6 Some days that are closed may vary, therapist will occasionally open on a closed day depending on the circumstances.
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover
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Alysha speight
Alysha speight

Born and raised in Bremerton. I started massage when I was 9 years old. I worked on family members and friends. I look at massage more as art then a profession. Art is concise, structured with a intention and it can seem complex as the artist strives to vividly or be abstract of the message being drawn in the art. I strive to the best of my capabilities of ensuring you walk out feeling restored, rejuvenated and at peace after you see me. I am consistently taking training classes on modalities, using precise massage tools , different techniques and using various modalities in all my sessions

Bainbridge Location- Golden Arts Wellness Center
Bainbridge Location- Golden Arts Wellness Center

9431 Coppertop Loop NE #202, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 Clients that live near / on Bainbridge Island i will be at this location Sundays Only