Kristi has 16+ years experience using a variety techniques to achieve clients therapy goals. She is trained in Customized Massage, Myofascial Massage, CranioSacral Therapy, Oncology Massage, Total Body Lymphatic Balancing, Total Body Balancing, Visceral Manipulation, and CLARITY Coaching.
Jackie is an experienced Shamanic Healer and Reiki Master, embracing her intuitive gifts to support the client’s healing. She trained with Golden Light Healing in Green Bay WI and the Jaguar Institute in Peru. She is highly intuitive, and learned the CLARITY Coaching intuitive process, is a Certified Master Life Coach and has Mediumship abilities developed through training from the James Van Praagh School of Mystical Arts. She offers shamanic healing, intuitive Reiki sessions, acupressure, CLARITY coaching, Mediumship readings, and Angel Card Readings.