Brett Rolfing® 

in Anchorage, AK

Description: Brett Thomson Linder is a Certified Advanced Rolfer™, Manual Therapist, and Instructor at the Rolf Institute. He is available Wednesdays in Private Practice and the rest of the week including Saturdays at Spine and Joint Rehabilitation 907-646-7653.
Additional Info: Brett Thomson Linder is also Certified in Rolf Movement™, Advanced Myofascial Release, and Cranio-Sacral work. Also is formerly trained in Neuro Mobilization, Muscle energy techniques, Osteopathy techniques, Source Point Therapy, and Visceral Manipulation
Logo: Brett Rolfing®
Phone: 9072446052
Address: 2902 Valleywood Dr.
Unit 2
Anchorage AK 99517
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Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover
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Brett Thomson Linder
Brett Thomson Linder

Rolfing® is a holistic treatment that realigns and balances your body so that your head, shoulders, chest, pelvis, and legs are in better vertical alignment.

Michelle Perea-Denney
Michelle Perea-Denney