On January 24th I was diagnosed with Endometrial cancer and I have been working my way through the process with finding out more information. I have a hysterectomy scheduled for March 4th and I will be out of the office for at least two weeks. I am hoping to come back after the two weeks depending on recovery. I am hoping the surgery will take care of the cancer and make me cancer free, however, when I have surgery there will be biopsies done to see if the cancer went anywhere else. So, prayers are greatly appreciated. For that reason, I may need to reach out at times to move an appointment at times. Dropping off or uploading to our portal may also be an option. Thank you so much for your understanding, patience, words of encouragement and especially prayers. You all are just the best and truly lift my spirits when they are done. I have times when I am feeling sad and it's like the Lord picked you to send me an email of encouragement or told you to come pray for me, so thank you for all of those things you have done and the prayers you have prayed. Sherry
I am taking sit down appointments, or you can stop by during our business hours and drop off your information when you have time. Starting January 20, 2025 we are open the following days and times: Monday thru Friday 10am to 7:30pm Saturday 10am to 5pm Sunday CLOSED Thank you so much. Bob
I am taking sit down appointments, or you can stop by during our business hours and drop off your information when you have time. Starting January 20, 2025 we are open the following days and times: Monday thru Friday 10am to 7:30pm Saturday 10am to 5pm Sunday CLOSED Thank you so much. Joyce
Hello there, Unfortunately, I have no more sit down appts for the rest of the 2024 tax season. You can either, *drop off you your tax information and I will call when I have questions *upload your information using our portal at www.abctaxservice.tax and I will give you call with questions. Thank you so much. Mary
Do you want to sit down with someone when you drop off? You can make an appointment with Destina and she will review your information, ask a few questions and make sure it gets to the person you want to have work on it. Please note, you do not need an appointment to drop off, you can come by anytime between 10am and 7pm and drop off your tax return information at your convenience. The appointment is for those who want to sit and chat a minute when they drop off their tax information.
I am Sherry and Bob's niece and I am graduating with a degree in accounting. I am looking to learn how to do tax returns for individuals and I am available for dropping off or picking up your tax documents. For dropping off tax documents, I will take your information, ask a few questions and give your tax return information to the tax preparer you prefer. For picking up completed tax returns, we will get your tax forms signed and get you your copy of the completed tax return.
Spanish/English tax preparer.