Oasis Curl Studio 1> - Hair Stylists
in Peoria, AZ
Additional Info:
Phone: 6234043306
8265 W Happy Valley Road
Peoria AZ 85383
Business Hours: Sunday: Closed
Monday: Closed
Every other Tuesday: 9AM-3PM
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 10AM - 5PM
Friday: 9AM - 5PM
Every other Saturday: 9AM- 3PM
Payment Types Accepted: Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover
Staff: Serena Beach
Hello Gorgeous!
I love all things hair however curls and lived-in/dimensional color is where I shine. I am here to help you gain confidence in caring for your curls so doing so will no longer be a burden but a daily moment of self care.
If you have any questions regarding any services I offer, please feel free to reach out to me at oasiscurlstudio@gmail.com