Combandrazor 1> - Barbers
in Webster, NY
Description: Combandrazor barbershop was opened in 1950, by frank daniels. Frank sold the barbershop to bob leshhorn who owned the shop for 50 years. Current owner chris joy grew up as a young kid coming to Combandrazor barbershop and Bought it in 2009.
Additional Info: Customers are allowed 2 no-show no-call appointments , any after that the customer will be charged full price of any haircuts missed without canceling prior to appointment. Please cancel ahead of your appointment. Thank you
Phone: 5852659565
175 west main st
Webster NY 14580
Business Hours: We operate by appointment only. Check the online schedule for a list of days and times for barbers
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover
Staff: Chris Joy
Chris is the owner of Combandrazor. Chris has been cutting hair for 18 years, all at the Combandrazor.
Kristin Clarke
Kristin has been with Comb and Razor for 5 years.
Sam Monroe
Sam has been with us for 4 years. He is also the cousin of Chris and Mike.
Mike joy
Mike is Chris’s brother and has been with Combandrazor for about 16 years.
Adam kiley
Adam has been with Combandrazor for 6 years.