CitruSolution Carpet Cleaning 1> - Cleaning Services
in New Albany, OH
Description: CitruSolution Carpet Cleaning proudly serves the Columbus, Ohio area with our environmentally friendly carpet cleaning process. We are a greener carpet cleaner, pet and kid safe, no hidden fees, dries fast, leaves your home smelling great.
Additional Info: The CitruSolution Carpet Cleaning Process uses a citrus-based organic solvent cleaning solution that is lightly misted on the carpet. We then use a rotary buffer and terrycloth pad to clean the carpets before vacuuming.
Phone: 6142450235
1258 Ringwood Ct
New Albany OH 43054
Business Hours: Mon-Fri: 9-5:30pm
Sat: 10-4pm
Outside business hours upon request.
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Amex
Staff: Casey Tuthill
Owner/Operator CitruSolution Columbus Ohio.