CMK Energy LLC 

- Psychic/Hypnosis/Spirituality 

in Lakeland, MN

Description: Through positivity and love, CMK Energy will help empower clients to thrive in their lives, not just survive. I do this with Energetic Session support: Healing Touch, Jin Shin Jyutsu, and others. I also offer Psychic/ Intuitive guidance to help you.
Additional Info: We are in the St. Croix Business Center 0.9 miles South of Highway 94 near the St. Croix River. We have free front of building parking.
Logo: CMK Energy LLC
Phone: 6512839808
Address: 44 St. Croix Trail S.
Suite #150
Lakeland MN 55043
Show Map
Business Hours: Open by appointment. Please make an appointment to see me on Schedulicity, or take a chance that I'll be in the office. I'd love to see you if I'm in. : )
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Amex
Special Offers

Claire Marie Kohout
Claire Marie Kohout

Star Gate
Star Gate

The Star Gate is a sacred technology that can act as an accelerant for your Spiritual Growth and the expansion of Consciousness. Sit inside the Merkabah to help you achieve new levels of peace, karmic resolution and healing in an effortless, gentle manner. The Orbs within the Merkabah are self-cleaning and anything released during a session goes back into pure energy with no residue or debris left behind.