Cherie Howard Natural Therapies 1> - Massage
in Yarmouth, ME
Description: Cherie Howard is a licensed Massage Therapist with over 30 years of practice.
Specializing in
Therapeutic Massage,
Colon Hydro-Therapy,
Lymphatic Massage,
Hot Stone Massage and Essential Oils.
Scar tissue therapy
Additional Info:
253 Main Street, Yarmouth ME. 04096
Business phone 207-956-3804
Phone: 2079563804
253 Main Street
Yarmouth ME 04096
Business Hours: Sessions by appointment. Please call 207-956-3804 or schedule on line (Schedulicity orFacebook) to make your appointment.
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard
Staff: Cherie Howard
Please contact me directly to schedule 90 minute therapy sessions