With my recent return to Virginia, I continue to offer live online yoga and prerecorded monthly challenges. I've taught Baby & Toddler Me Yoga since 2012, Kids Yoga since 2014, and adult yoga since 2018. I've taught over 1,000 hours of yoga (700+ hrs of kids yoga and 300+ hrs of adult yoga) with live online classes, Namaste Yoga, Tallahassee Parks & Recreation, Governors Charter Academy, Enclaves at College Town, Camp Kum-Ba-Yah, and Mommy Me Yoga of Lynchburg. I received my Mommy Me Yoga training in 2015 from YoMama with Katie Wise, my 200 hr yoga certification in 2018 from Many Rivers Yoga, and Kids Yoga and Prenatal Yoga training in 2019 with Lauren Prindiville of Island Ayurveda & Yoga. I have a masters in Curriculum and Instruction, major in Biology, minor in Environmental Studies, and certification in K-6th, Biology, and Earth & Space Sciences. My love of the environment often spills into my kids yoga. My Kids and Family Yoga strengthens the family bond while incorporating science themes and American Sign Language. My Prenatal and Baby Toddler Me Yoga helps moms to connect with little ones while safely strengthening prenatal and postpartum bodies. My adult yoga develops an awareness of the inner yoga voice to build confidence, stay safe in poses, and discover creative ways to use props. I believe that yoga is not only about connecting to yourself but connecting to those around you.