KarenCurryHair 1> - Hair Stylists
in Austin, TX
Description: This relaxing salon suite offers the best in Extensions, Bridal Hair, & Highlights & Hair coloring to fantastic haircuts! Waxing services for lip & eyebrows. Retail for all your hair needs.
Additional Info: Conveniently located on the south bound side of mopac, turn into the Monterrey Oaks corporate office parking lot & take a left. Grapevine Salons will be on your right. Suite 244.
Phone: 5125771659
5700 S mopac
Austin TX 78749
Business Hours: Open for business Tues thru Friday. Tues/Thurs 11am-6pm, taking my last client at 4pm to be done by 6pm. Wed/Fri 10am-5pm.
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Visa, MasterCard