Bad Dog Rebel Fitness & Yoga 1> - Yoga
in Frankfort, MI
Description: Bad Dog Rebel Fitness & Yoga is a Health At Every Size-aligned, online fitness and yoga studio, offering group classes and personal training. Please visit our website at to purchase memberships and class passes.
Additional Info: All classes are currently being offered on Zoom.
Phone: 9892596752
426 Beech St
Frankfort MI 49635
Business Hours: See class schedule. Call or text any time to schedule a private or small group session or for more information.
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover
Staff: JodiAnn Stevenson
JodiAnn Stevenson is a Body Liberation Trainer and the owner of Bad Dog Rebel Fitness & Yoga. She is a Health Fitness Specialist with Advanced Certificates in Personal Training and Group Fitness Instruction as well as a Certified Yoga Instructor and Certified Intuitive Eating Professional. JodiAnn's mission is to help people find their own definition of authentic health outside of the damaging and dysfunctional paradigms of Diet Culture and Feast Culture.