Fit 2 Serve Body Mind Spirit Health Center 

- Health Clubs 

in Amherst, NH

Description: We have moved to a small private studio at my residence. Please call or text to make an appointment. We are currently adhering to all covid guidelines. All ages & fitness levels. NO membership or sign up fees, pay by the class or package.
Additional Info: We are located at 56 Merrimack Rd Amherst. Pull up into driveway and park on left by garage stairs. Our team: Cheryl Stuart-Vail, Owner - Exercise Physiologist, Personal Trainer & Coach, Pilates Instructor, AFAA, P90X, Barre
Logo: Fit 2 Serve Body Mind Spirit Health Center
Phone: 6038010050
Address: 56 Merrimack Rd

Amherst NH 03031
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Business Hours: by appt and class Please check the class schedule or call to make an appointment.
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover
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Cheryl Stuart-Vail
Cheryl Stuart-Vail

B.S. Cardiovascular Health & Exercise Exercise Physiologist, 30+ Years Personal Training & Group Ex Experience Prior Owner Z Club NH Team Beachbody Coach Owner