East West Therapeutic Arts 1> - Massage
in Portland, ME
Description: Restorative, Intuitive-Orthopaedic bodywork with foundations in shiatsu, medical massage and bio-energetics, tailored to the individual.
EWTA is a class-conscious healing space offering tiered pricing. Visit the website's Rates page for more info (below)
Additional Info: New Clients accepted case-by-case. Please see website for more info: www.EastWestTherapeuticArts.com.
*DOG sensitive clients*: This is a dog occupied office.
Those with serious aversions to dogs may not be comfortable in this office, sorry.
Phone: 6072799314
22 Cushman St
Suite C&D, 1st Floor
Portland ME 04102
Business Hours: Regular office hours M,W,R,F,S,U and appt requests outside of regularly scheduled times are considered as office hours are sometimes fluid. Please use the waitlist feature for these requests.
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard
Staff: Meghà (Ze/ She)
Owner and practitioner