Dr. Amy Richard with Gentle Chiropractic 1> - Chiropractors
in Creve Coeur, MO
Description: Dr. Amy Richard is a wholistic doctor centrally located near hwys. 40, 170, 270 in Creve Couer, Missouri that specializes in Gentle Adjusting, Stress Reduction via NET, Cranial Sacral and myofascial work. Call or schedule your visit today. 314-537-1461
Additional Info: We are located at 981 Gardenview Office Parkway, St. Louis, Mo. 63141. Free ample parking. Handicap parking is available.
Phone: 3145371461
981 Gardenview Office Parkway
Creve Coeur MO 63141
Business Hours: M, W: 9am-6:00pm
T, Th: 9am-6:00pm
F: when possibly due to doctors seminar travel schedule
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover
Staff: Dr. Amy Richard
Dr. Amy has been coaching patients on holistic health care since 2006. Her approach to your individual health needs will look at stress, physical pain/discomfort and nutritional support.