Genie Solutions 1> - Medical Spas
in Winnipeg, MB
Description: We're a little place. We exist in spite of the fact that we have no business model or goals except to appreciate each other, life, and our customers. Your success is our reward. We're dedicated to killing your hair!
Additional Info: We have no designated customer parking, but fortunately there is 1 hr free parking on Portage Ave (before 3:30 pm), & on Spruce St; 2 hour free parking on Valour Rd & on Riddle Ave.
You'll find us right across from Advance Electronics, on the lower level.
Phone: 2047790909
3-1311 Portage Ave
Winnipeg MB R3G 0V3
Business Hours: IMPORTANT! All customers must:
Be free of cold or flu symptoms
10:30 - 6:00 Monday & Friday (Jeannie)
12:00 - 7:30 Tues, Wed, & 12 - 5 Sat (Cindy)
12:00 - 7:00 Tues - Thursday (Marcia)
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Visa, MasterCard
Staff: Jeannie Hiebert
Jeannie admits, she doesn't enjoy providing a service unless it can improve someone's life permanently. She and all of her staff have personally used their own services and have enjoyed decades of reward personally and from liberating clients from hair related issues.
Cindy Szydlik
Cindy has been a Laser Tech at Genie Solutions since 2010. She is known for her very thorough treatments, attention to detail, and creative use of our technology.
Marcia Gomez
Marcia has been an Electrologist since 2001. She uses both Blend and Thermolysis. She places a lot of importance on educating her clients and tailoring her sessions to their needs. Her sanitary standards are rigorous and uncompromising. Her dedication is total but just so you know, she is also strict about enforcing her cancellation policy!