John Forsyth RMT 1> - Massage
in Penticton, BC
Description: New and current patients, Online or phone bookings...
The clinic office is open regular hours. Voicemail available.
Additional Info: * Before booking, read the terms & conditions of service on the "Terms of Service & First Appointments" page, and Appointments, Fees &, Contact & Location, and Insurance pages.
All info on website -
Phone: 2502742022
69 Nanaimo Avenue East
suite 207
Penticton BC V2A 1M1
Business Hours: 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM weekdays. Online weekdays. Closed weekends & Statutory holidays.
Doors may be locked, ring door bell to be let in.
All info on website -
ICBC patient-pay, No WorkSafe.
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check
Staff: John Forsyth RMT
John has been passionate about injury prevention since being a former competitive athlete, coach and student of Kinesiology at SFU. And as a Registered Massage Therapist, John understands the value of massage therapy combined with various movement therapies as the most effective manner to restore normalcy, whether that is being able to move without pain, participate in recreations, or competing in sport.
Let us, find a suitable program for you.
John Forsyth RMT © from 2022. All rights reserved.