Kinky Curly Beauty's Hair Studio LLC 1> - Hair Stylists
in Douglasville, GA
Description: Thanks for stopping by!
Please go to my website to read my policies first.
If you made a mistake in your booking contact the admin at
Additional Info: All styles require a 50% deposit.
All payments are NONrefundable and NONtransferable unless cancellation is made by me. Please do not reschedule your appointment without approval by me first.
Unfortunately at this time I do NOT service children under the age of 14.
Phone: 0000000000
9559 Georgia 5
Unit 201 - Suite 3
Douglasville GA 30135
Business Hours: Wed thru Fri - 8am to 7pm
Saturday 8am to - 4pm
Last appointment taken is 3:30PM through the week.
Questions? Contact my assistant:
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover
Staff: Kinky Curly Beauty’s Hair Studio, LLC
Owner and Sole Stylist of Kinky Curly Beauty's Hair Studio, LLC.