Kristina's Education Center 

- Nail Artistry 

in Brooklyn, NY

Description: What makes us unique? 1. Learn nail art that makes money. 2. Master your skills that are proven to bring customers and high income. 3. Uncover the Ins and Outs of the nail industry. 4. Gain hands-on, real-world experience, and the tools to thrive.
Additional Info: What is this course for? • Complete beginners ready to learn and jump-start a new career • Existing professionals looking to advance their skillset • Current nail business owners thriving for new business heights.
Logo: Kristina's Education Center
Phone: 1111111111
Address: 1723 East 12 street,
suite 501
Brooklyn NY 11229
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Kristina Rozdovan
Kristina Rozdovan

Hi, I'm KRISTINA ROZDOVAN. For over 20 years, the Nail Industry has changed dramatically, and I had a privilege of the front-row seats throughout the nail revolution. My passion for nail art was always the driving force behind sleepless nights, neverending education, and the main motivation to become the name behind the #1 Places Winner of Russian and European Championships in Nail Art. What seeded only a dream, one day, became a reality, with lots of fails, disappointments, hard work, and, most importantly, believing in myself no matter what. After I was fortunate to open my first nail salon back in Europe, won numerous world championships, my dream grew even bigger. . . Open an Educational Center. Thanks to the unconditional love and support of my family, we moved to the U.S. and opened the state-of-the-art educational facility for like-minded, talanted girls with big dreams, passion for nail art, and an uncovered believe that they are worthy!