Full Motion Bodywork & Massage 1> - Massage
in Lafayette, IN
Description: My style focuses on result based massage techniques to help clients improve soft tissue deviations from; repetitive motion, exercise, poor posture, age and stress. My years of experience allow me to incorporate many types of modalities in a single sessions
Additional Info: Upon entering the gym if I am not present to greet you have a seat at the chairs to your right and I will be with you shortly.
Phone: 0000000000
11 Shenandoah Dr
Lafayette IN 47905
Business Hours: Tuesday through Friday is a set schedule. Saturday is by appointment only
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover
Staff: Full Motion Bodywork and Massage
With 13 years of experience I am able to quickly determine muscular deviations in order to help the individual understand what their body is trying to tell them.