Katya Tripp Biofield Tuning 1> - Acupuncture
in Portland, OR
Description: I have been doing acupuncture for 25 years and the last several years have integrated Biofield tuning into my work. Working in the subtle fields around the body and is profoundly transformational. https://www.biofieldacupuncture.com/
Additional Info: I have 2 locations. One is in north Portland in Oregon (april-november) and the other in Ajijic, Mexico . Biofield tuning is effective long distance and clients that have received both describe it as 95 percent the same long distance.
Phone: 5035023815
6925 Ne mallory ave 97211
Portland OR 97214
Business Hours:
Staff: Katya Ivana Tripp
Acupuncturist for 25 years
Biofield tuner