The Curlology Salon 1> - Hair Stylists
in Dunwoody, GA
Description: A natural hair studio. Online Booking Only! Creating and maintaining beautiful healthy hair in a beautiful private environment. Located on Ashford Dunwoody across from Perimeter Mall next to Alon’s Bakery and McKendricks Steakhouse inside Sola Salons
Additional Info: Consultations are HIGHLY recommended! The condition of your hair must be analyzed and discussed before any services are performed. NEW CLIENTS PLEASE BOOK AS FIRST TIME CLIENTS!!! Being on time is very important Consults and all deposits are non-refundable
Phone: 6788257802
4505 Ashford Dunwoody Rd
Sola Salon Studios, Studio #127
Dunwoody GA 30346
Business Hours: Thursday
Continue checking the schedule for desired unavailable appointment days/times because clients will reschedule their appointments. Or text me for days/tines to be placed on the waiting list for that day/time you desire.
Payment Types Accepted: Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover