Lorri Smith @ Southern Roots Salon 1> - Hair Stylists
in Waxahachie, TX
Description: Lorri Smith is a hairstylist/color specialist at Southern Roots Salon of Waxahachie. Lorri has been in the beauty industry for 33 years. She has a passion for making clients feel beautiful in the comfort of a stress free salon suite.
Additional Info: Lorri Smith at Southern Roots Salon retails an array of beauty products including Voce" Hair, Ovations Cell Theraphy, AG Hair, Bed Head, Olaplex and More. There are also boutique items in her suite. She invites you to shop in the comfort of her suite.
Phone: 2143173928
206 YMCA Dr.
Waxahachie TX 75165
Business Hours: Wed. 10 - 7
Thurs. 10 - 7
Fri. 10 - 5
Sat. - Only available by contract - Contact Lorri Smith
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover
Staff: Lorri Smith
Lorri is a creative and motivated artist. She has 33 years of experience in the beauty industry. Her experience comes from owning salons, retailing, teaching and creating beauty behind the chair. Her passion is creating beauty and confidence in her clients.