I thrive on my curiosity for regenerative systems and love of imagination. My formal education began with a BA in Philosophy and Anthropology where I developed a passion for classical esthetics. Then, I took up at the historic Kaliflower Free Print Shop Community Garden in San Francisco where I learned everything vernal from a gorgeous red headed gypsy Eastern European Goddess named Genie. Her free and courageous spirit flowed and dripped onto everything in her shining path. From here I traveled extensively in the US working on farms and learning about ecosystems, symbiosis and land stewardship practices. I've had many motorcycle adventures and lived for over a decade in my luxurious solar off the grid converted skoolie. In New York I helped run Good Fight Herb Co. brick and mortar community herb shop before moving to Montana and becoming a holistic esthetician. I am fascinated with the electrical microbiome and it's relationship to plant chemistry. I believe facials are an art, an ancestral magic ritual. My daily research and practice has lead me deeper into manual fascial toning and lifting techniques with an emphasis on blood and lymphatic flow in tissue. The results are the energetic revitalization of mitochondrial function and an overall magnetic nourished vitality. I seek healthy challenges and excel as a supportive team member for those looking to uncover and celebrate every level of their beauty. I have a deep gratitude for the earth and its elements. My esthetic style blends traditional folk herbalism with biochemical and myofascial techniques. I travel on a Surly ECR bicycle.