Paloma Barbershop 1> - Barbers
in San Diego, CA
Description: Paloma Barbershop provides an honest grooming experience in an inclusive space where previously held notions of traditional barbering can be checked at the door and freak flags can fly.
Additional Info:
Phone: 6195429181
2802 B street
San Diego CA 92101
Business Hours: We are open from 12pm-7pm Tuesday-Friday and from 9am-3pm on Saturday.
Payment Types Accepted: Cash
Staff: Andrew Lee
Owner, barber, San Diegan, musician, vegan, father and husband. Andrew has been a barber for 10 years.
Mike Veraldi
ATTN MIKE'S CLIENTS: Starting 1/1/25 all of Mike's appointments will be booked directly with him. He is still cutting hair inside of Paloma! The QR code in the profile pic will take you to Mike's scheduling service or follow the link below:
Please make sure to bookmark!