Purely You Healing-Jessica 1> - Integrated Medicine
in Havre, MT
Description: This is a holistic and intuitive energy practice that helps you to heal and restore balance in your body, finding your purest self. It is divine and pure, non-invasive and very relaxing. I offer office sessions as well as distance healing sessions.
Additional Info: The goal is always to help you find your Purest Self. Not the person social media thinks you are, not the 'role' you fill at work, but the purest, most divine version of yourself.
I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Thank you!
Phone: 3072992629
1305 11th St W
Havre MT 59501
Business Hours: Typically 9:00 am-5:00 pm
The days I am open vary; the schedule is posted on the FIRST OF EVERY MONTH. If the schedule is full please book an appointment on the Wait/Cancellation List to be notified of any openings. Trust the process, always!
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard
Staff: Jessica
I am an Intuitive Healer and Women's Wellness Coach that works to help restore balance in your body, mind, and soul as well as offer guidance on your journey. I am a Reiki Master, Master Herbalist, and have training in Chakra Cleansing as well as Medical Intuition.
Angel Card Reading
I am a Certified Angel Card Reader from Doreen Virtue/Radleigh Valentine. These readings can be done via email, at any time, or over the phone/in person when session time is available. Please contact me with any other questions regarding your reading!
Get your package reserved now! They will only be available for a few more months!