Practicing Japanese Acupuncture since 1995, Eileen specializes in women's health, prenatal, gyn, sports injuries, chronic/acute pain, respiratory, digestion, headaches, stress & anxiety, and cancer support. She also does health/nutritional coaching.
In clinical practice since 2000, Geoff specializes in treating pain, digestive disorders, diabetes, respiratory disease, GYN, immune/energy boosting, and custom diet, Chinese herbal formulas & lifestyle changes to optimize health.
Rachel specializes in Chinese-style Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine and has studied Orthopedic Acupuncture. Specialties: Autoimmune/Chronic Conditions, Dysautonomia/POTS, Anxiety/ Depression, Pain, GYN/Fertility, Pediatrics, Teens & Young Adults
Nutritional therapy is a holistic, comprehensive and highly personalized path to health and healing. As a Nutritional Therapy practitioner, Christine works with a foundational approach to nutrition, using whole nutrient dense, real food that honors the bio-individuality of each client. She performs specialized hands on clinical assessments as well as advanced Nutritional Therapy skills to restore balance and optimal wellness to the body. She believes real food supports real health and that the body has the profound and innate wisdom to heal. She is passionate about educating and empowering each client no matter where they are on their health journey. Christine offers one on one consultations, educational workshops, and the RESTART® Program.