Simply Chiropractic 1> - Chiropractors
in Cedar City, UT
Description: Simply chiropractic is a full service Chiropractic office offering adjustments, spinal decompression, massage, muscle rehab and training as well as education on what you can do at home to help take control of your health today.
Additional Info:
Phone: 4358688202
2202 N. Main
suite 101
Cedar City UT 84721
Business Hours: Mon 9-5, Tues 9-5, Wed 9-5, Thurs 12-7pm.
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard
Staff: Steven Poulos
Dr. Steve completed his chiropractic education in Feb 2013 at Palmer Chiropractic in Davenport, IA where chiropractics first started. He has the latest education that the chiropractic world offers with several techniques for a personalized treatment.