Sparklebalm Healing massage 

- Massage 

in Vancouver, BC

Description: 38 yr practice Deep tissue healing massage with antiviral essential cannabis oils. "I bring you my best to the table at this time to relax & soothe your psyche and calm your body so that you can proceed with strength in your life." Venus
Additional Info: My Location: Downtown Vancouver Healing Room Studio and Elite Ensuite Mobile delivery to the hotel & residential suites in downtown Vancouver. Book online, Text, Call or email me.
Logo: Sparklebalm Healing massage
Phone: 2363337890
Address: 402 west Pender st.

Vancouver BC V6B1T6
Show Map
Business Hours: 24/7 Daily just check for my availability. Vegas has a round the clock schedule since so many come & go at different hours. PLUS fitting in downtime for healing massage can be at unusual hours, that's alright. Just ask. Cash, Paypal or Etransfer.
Payment Types Accepted: Cash


38yrs. in professional deep tissue healing massage with healing energy, oils and celestial messages. Organic Healing oil infusion blends (available for purchase) Reflexology Deep Tissue Soothing Relaxation Angel Oracle readings Healing & Crystal energy