Seacoast Neurofeedback 

- Healthcare 

in Greenland, NH

Description: Low Energy Neurofeedback or The LENS. Elegantly Simple, Incredibly Effective. Biofeedback for the brain's self regulation. A passive process, it may help with symptoms of migraine, anxiety, depression and TBI. A nontraditional neurofeedback.
Additional Info: Located inside the Gentle Currents Wellness Center. Please enter this in your GPS, not the address.
Logo: Seacoast Neurofeedback
Phone: 9712217845
Address: 330 Portsmouth Ave.

Greenland NH 03840
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Business Hours: Tues. 8am-5pm Sat. 10am-5pm Sun. 10am-4pm
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Visa, MasterCard
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Tom Maxwell
Tom Maxwell