Tanya Colucci Myofascial Release Therapy 1> - Massage
in Bluffton, SC
Description: Myofascial Release Therapy is a gentle form of body work aimed to release tightness in your body causing chronic pain, postural issues, and decrease athletic performance. I am also a leadership coach, Enneagram Coach, & Wellness Retreat facilitator
Additional Info: Parking, Directions, & New client information will be provided once an appointment is scheduled.
Phone: 2028124242
Bluffton SC 29910
Business Hours: M, T, W TR, F 7a-6p
Some Saturdays 9a-1p
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover
Staff: Tanya Colucci
Tanya Colucci, Expert Shaman, Author, and Speaker, is the owner of Sacred Soul Guidance and Tanya Colucci Myofascial Release Therapy. Her powerful Sacred Soul Coaching and Healing methods use an extraordinary combination of shamanic, bodywork, vibrational sound, and ceremonial healing modalities to be your solution for living with joy, purpose, and passion.