Trish’s Hair Corner 1> - Hair Stylists
in Jefferson City, MO
Description: I’m a very small in the home salon. I’ve been working in my downstairs salon for 27 years now. It’s a very relaxing and homie setting. All clients need to make an appointment
Additional Info: *When parking your car: Pull straight in- facing my house
*If driveway is open PLEASE feel free to park in driveway
*Try not to block mail box btw (12:00pm-3:00pm)
*Use door by the garage to “come on in”
Phone: 5736803783
5118 Woodway Ct
Jefferson City MO 65109
Business Hours: Monday- Friday 2:00-8:30
Sat. & Sun. Closed (except Special Occasions)
I do work some earlier times during the week
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover