Hatha lover! Kylie started her yoga journey at The O2 Studio in November 2015 and quickly fell in love with the Hatha practice and started YTT in the Spring of 2016. Yoga helped calm Kylie's mind and allowed her to grow with her physical practice. Aside from being the owner, she is also a stay at home mom to her daughter, Harper. Her family loves the outdoors and are active hunters and fishermen. Kylie has a love of being outside and gardening and you are more than likely to find her barefoot than in shoes!
Brenna took her first yoga class while studying in India in 2002. Graduated Hatha Hidden Language and Bikram Yoga Teacher Trainings in 06 and 07. She is a mother of 2, a labor and delivery nurse, teaches whenever she can. Loves all yoga styles and types, but her heart is hatha.
My journey with yoga started with one on one private sessions at the studio to help prepare me for upcoming back surgery. Those sessions were exercises done while on my back. After release from the doctor, I started coming to regular classes. After a year of dabbling in classes, I became serious about my personal yoga practice. It intrigued me and I found it very beneficial not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well. Even when the studio went virtually after the pandemic started, my practice was consistent. The more I practiced, it seemed the better my back became. I started teacher training in Sept. 2020 virtually, because you know—the pandemic, with no intention to teach. My goal was to learn more about the postures and yoga in general. But, I began teaching at the studio in Sept 2021 as I worked towards my teaching certificate. I found that I truly enjoyed sharing yoga with our community, helping others. I graduated from teacher training in Oct. 2021. My heart’s desire is to help others through yoga to improve not only their physical health, but to also help improve mental health.