Time To Relax - Myofascial Pain Relief Therapy 1> - Massage
in Hudson, WI
Description: Myofascial release bodywork is focused on muscle fascia. It is gentle & highly effective. Clients are clothed in a tank top & shorts. Often helpful with chronic pain as well as localized back, shoulder, neck, head, foot, & wrist issues. Barnes Method.
Additional Info: Located in the Southside Office Plaza - building between Little Ceasar's Pizza and Tire Pros. In the same building as McDonald Insurance and Crestview Dental.
WI license #10828-146 More info on website.
Phone: 6126387981
1810 Crestview Drive Unit 4A
Hudson WI 54016
Business Hours: Open by Appointment Only Tuesday - Saturday
Closed Sunday & Monday
Masks are client's choice, staff wear masks.
Call to schedule virtual/ online sessions
HSA/FSA cards accepted
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover
Staff: Chris Ackermann
My philosophy is to offer hope to help people heal themselves allowing them to experience relief from upper & lower body pain issues. Licensed massage/bodyworker since 2011.
I have personally dealt with physical trauma, depression and PTSD. In 1999 I was hit with my two children by a car while crossing the street. Hospitalization, physical therapy and additional procedures followed. I understand how frustrating it is to be in pain and I have experienced the benefits of myofascial release and would love to share that gift with you.
All sessions at Time To Relax are designed to help you heal, move and allow your energy to flow which helps relieve pain and the physical and emotional stress it creates. We're meant to live our lives, not just be alive.
Disclosure of Training: WI License 10828-146, Barnes MFR Advanced Therapist + Women's Health, Barnes Equine Classes I, II. 1000+ hours total training