Harmonic egg technician, Lymphatic Decongestant Therapist, CranioSacral Therapist: Working as a massage therapist since 2000, Nicole Wirth has enjoyed working with various tools or modalities to help herself personally around improvements within her own body as well as her helping her clients continue their own advancements in their health. Over the years, she began to specialize in Lymphatic Therapy. Nicole’s focus on Lymph lead to her being fascinated how emotions and immunity were linked. She learned how pooling of Lymphatic fluid was where clients held emotions and so expanded into incorporating more vibrational therapies to get to that next-level-healing for her clients/practice. Striving always to provide customizing treatments to all of her clients, you will want to check out her NP lymphatic assessment series! These assessing sessions are only scheduled through calling her and by appointment only. Through these sessions you'll then see how specific she can work with clients in many areas of health and wellness. The Harmonic Egg Work Nicole Wirth administers can be scheduled through online Friday, Saturday or Sunday appts or by reaching out to her via text to (253)906-1582 to schedule during her weekday office hours. Nicole Wirth looks forward to meeting you and hearing your story.
Scott Grant has been trained to run the Harmonic Egg in September of 2018 by the inventor herself, Gail Lynn. In 2023, Scott was trained to use a German-style lymphatic device called the BodyStyler and a cold therapy hand held device called the KASSEN PRO(KP). Though these can be purchased separately, the KP literally reduces fat cells which must exit out through the lymphatic system, so they both really do work best together. Check this out with the Intro Special where you get a facial, one area targeted that you are concerned about and then a beautiful Bodystyler lymphatic session to finish that off, all at a wonderful Introductory Price! In addition to these wonderful modalities, Scott has had an in-depth lymphatic training with Nicole Wirth, and is offering these services in single sessions. Ask about the packages for the lymph sessions. Scott has also been trained this year on several Alma, INC devices including Alma Duo (both men's and women's sexual health) and the Alma Ted (Hair Restoration). Not only does he have great personal testimonies around these modalities, He really is a Master at administering these with great precision and impact where your own health meets innovation while still being natural energy being used to impact all the cellular health. Unlike radio frequency which is taking the aesthetic world by storm, the energy we are using goes deeper than muscle and there for again impacts cells so it is more long lasting and more far reaching in its assistance to health and overall wellness to be as natural as possible.