I grew up in Southern Virginia then moved to Hawai’i in 2005. From a young age my passion for movement was sparked through dance – from hiphop to ballet, jazz, modern, contemporary. As I moved into the professional world of dance, it took me around the world and the USA. Throughout many moves and a high demanding physical career — like so many of us — my over all health took a back burner to my career and life. I forgot about taking care of my body & health. Through various wake up calls, sustaining and stewarding my body became increasingly important. I tried acupuncture, regular massage, saw different types of physicians, but nothing has restored my body like Pilates! Holding my degree in Performing Arts, gave me an easy gateway to do my Comprehensive Pilates Certification through BASI Pilates in California (my training included hands on training, lectures, research paper, written & in-person tests, as well as logging 500 hours). My apprenticeship at the BASI Headquarters set me up to train directly under the top faculty of BASI – including Rael Isacowitz. BASI is one of the most respected Pilates Certifications. (There are BASI studios and training locations all over the world.) I have done several workshops since my certification like – Pilates with Props and Pilates for Dancers. (Since my certification I have had a baby and can still testify that Pilates is an amazing way to restore the body!) I love offering that same restoration to my clients.