Robin Bachnik Hair Artistry 1> - Hair Stylists
in Cornelius, NC
Description: Robin is a native to NC. She brings over 23 years to the salon. She has only done hair in the Lake Norman area. Robin has a knack for listening to clients' needs and creating a look that best suits one's long term hair goals, daily regimen, and lifestyle.
Additional Info: Sola Salon
20619 Torrence Chapel Rd. Suite #121
Cornelius NC 28031
When you walk in Sola Salon. Take a left and walk down the hallway. Robin's suite is the 4th on the left. Suite #121.
Phone: 7045171795
20619 Torrence Chapel Rd.
Cornelius NC 28031
Business Hours: Monday-Saturday OPEN
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover